martes, 5 de junio de 2012

Conclusion Vowel and Consonant Sounds

Talking about vowels and consonant sounds, I think these topics are interesting and important for learning English. It is because if we do not know about how are the sound that we are producing it does not have sense of anything. I really appreciate these subject because, I realize that I need some more practice and I have to improve the transcription section. I know that the consonant sounds were easier than the vowel sounds. The consonant and vowel sounds can be practiced and learnt in lots of internet sources, a good source is the BBC Learning English. This webpage had helped me a lot. It has video links in which I see and heard the pronunciation and then I practice. 
Here I put the link for someone who is interested on it. Check it BBC Learning English
Transcription of consonant and vowels.

Vowel Sounds

The vowel sounds can be classified in five items. We classify the vowels by tongue position, area, lips shape, quality and length. Also we can say that there are single vowel sounds unlike diphthongs. I know that a good way to give the vowels their characteristics is making the vowel sound by ourselves. In the vowel chart we can see where are the vowels produced. I think is important lo learn how the vowels sound in words and transcribe the sounds. It is a little difficult at the beginning but when you catch the idea, it is going to be simple for me. 
There are many books, videos and web sources in order to practice and understand better the vowel sounds. from youtube bbc pronunciation.

lunes, 4 de junio de 2012

Song Transcription

The song transcription was not difficult at all. I think when I was transcribing the song, I learned better the consonant sounds. It was a good help to improve our my knowledge about this topic. In the song I just had to transcribe the consonant sounds of all the lyric. I think that transcribe words in English is interesting and important in order to learn better the language. I looked for some help to transcribe the song in some online dictionaries such as You just have to put the word that you are looking for and search for it. It appears the definition and the transcription of it.